Meet a Westland Scholar – Alexis Whitford

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Meet a Westland Scholar – Alexis Whitford

Alexis Whitford is an Argyle Alternative High School graduate. She is grateful to have received a Westland Foundation Education Fund (WFEF) scholarship for her health care aide program at Red River College.

Before Red River College, she says she had felt intimidated to study in college. “Because of the scholarship, I am more confident in my studies,” she says. “It allows me to have a great time at school and meet many influential people,” she recalls.

Alexis shares she completed her health care aide program in 2020. She says a college education is not as scary as it seems. As a result, she is motivated to study further in nursing. She looks forward to working as an aesthetic nurse in the future.

“I encourage younger students to continue to college no matter what. The positive outcomes of having a higher education far outweigh the challenges we would encounter,” she ends.

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