
President’s Message

Greetings! Here are our latest Westland Foundation updates for this spring. We are glad to have celebrated our 25 years of supporting inner-Winnipeg students these past months. Our celebration has…

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Celebrating Westland

By: Jason Halstead The Westland Foundation celebrated 25 years of inner-city youth achievements with its inaugural Scholars’ Reception on Feb. 13 at the Millennium Library. The event recognized Westland Scholars’…

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25 years of supporting education

By: Ligia Braidotti The Westland Foundation has been helping hundreds of inner-Winnipeg youth engage in post-secondary education. On Feb. 13, Westland Foundation scholars, volunteers, and donors gathered at the Millennium…

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2019 Fundraising Breakfast

Our 2019 Westland Foundation Education Fund Breakfast (WFEF) is coming very soon! Please add to your calendar May 15, 2019, Wednesday at the RBC Convention Centre. The doors will be…

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1st Westland Foundation Scholars’ Reception

We are pleased to announce our inaugural Westland Foundation scholars’ reception in celebration of our 25th anniversary. The reception is on Wednesday, February 13, 2019, 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the Millennium Library’s Carol Shields…