President’s Message

President’s Message

Greetings! Here are our latest Westland Foundation updates for this spring.

We are glad to have celebrated our 25 years of supporting inner-Winnipeg students these past months. Our celebration has included the launching of our Westland scholars' event and the Foundation's 25th anniversary-logo contest for Winnipeg's Grades 7 to 12 students. Thanks to our community’s support, we have had a pleasant and meaningful celebration.

We are pleased to report that through your generous giving our scholarship for the academic year 2018-2019 totals over $88,000 for 143 students. This brings our total of scholarships given since 2009 to over $461,500 for 762 inner-Winnipeg students.

Sincere thanks to the Kellaway Foundation for its recent donation to the Education Fund and to The Winnipeg Foundation for

its recent grant toward computers, software, and furniture. The Winnipeg Foundation's grant will significantly assist our staff person and volunteers in their work for the Westland Foundation.

Thank you to all our committed volunteers, including our scholars for their substantial contributions to our different programs. In particular, the Westland scholars' night was phenomenal, and an account of this milestone event is on page 4.

Special thanks to the media for consistently raising awareness about our work for inner-Winnipeg. To look back at the Foundation's latest news coverage, please refer to page 6.

Lastly, please do not miss the opportunity to give for inner-Winnipeg students' success. We invite you to attend our 13th Fundraising Breakfast on May 15, 2019, at the RBC Convention Centre. Our guest speaker is His Worship Mayor Brian Bowman, and we have more students' participation this year. Other Breakfast details are on page 7.

On behalf of the Westland Foundation's board, volunteers, and scholars, thank you for your significant Westland support for the last 25 years. We look forward to our continued partnership for inner-Winnipeg for the next 25 years and beyond.



DOWNLOAD Westland Foundation's Spring 2019 Newsletter

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