Scholarship fund launches video campaign

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Scholarship fund launches video campaign

By: Katlyn Streilein

A local non-profit is calling for donations to continue helping inner-Winnipeg students pay for post-secondary tuition.

The pandemic has forced Westland Foundation to stop all its in-person fundraising events, which has taken a bite out of its donation pool.

Westland hopes community members in the position to donate will keep it in mind. Those unable to give can still help out by participating in the new #WestlandFdn video campaign.

Until Dec. 31, each video share (worth $1) will be matched, limited to $10,000, by Westland Foundation creator John Prystanski and director Walter Silicz — both of whom have volunteered with the non-profit since its humble beginnings in 1993.

Last year, the foundation was able to award over $89,000 in scholarships to 205 students. This year it had to scale back but still managed to dole out $60,000 to 160 students.

Read more:

Winnipeg Free Press – The Times – news article, December 30, 2020

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