Meet a Westland Scholar – Mikayla Desaulniers

Meet a Westland Scholar – Mikayla Desaulniers

Mikayla Desaulniers, University of Winnipeg

Mikayla Desaulniers is a 2018 Westland Foundation Education Fund scholarship recipient. A Sisler High School graduate, Mikayla studies pre-radiation therapy at the University of Winnipeg.

Mikayla says she is quite worried about the funds needed for her studies. She thanks

Westland for the support and says it has relieved some of her worries and has helped her better focus on school.

“I am honoured to be a Westland scholarship recipient. Thank you for the help to further my education and be less of a financial burden to my parents,” she says.

Mikayla adds she is putting Westland's help to good use by studying hard and getting involved in her community. She volunteers at a soup kitchen, helps with Dreams Take Flight and runs a kids’ camp every summer.


“I am honoured to be a Westland scholarship recipient. Thank you for the help to further my education and be less of a financial burden to my parents."

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