Meet a Westland Scholar – Ninna Marie Opena

Meet a Westland Scholar – Ninna Marie Opena

University of Manitoba student Ninna Marie Opena is working on her commerce degree. She would like to be an accountant with an end goal of having her own business.

Like all full-time students, Ninna says high tuition and textbook costs are a burden. Being accepted into the Westland scholarship program helped lighten this burden. The scholarship motivated her to excel in her studies.

“The scholarship not only helped pay for my tuition fees but also inspired me to work harder to reach my future endeavours,” says Ninna.

She advises high school students that their journey may have ups and downs, but everything will work out for the better in the end.

“As long as you do not give up on any challenges you encounter, you are bound to succeed,” says Ninna.

Ninna is grateful to the Westland donors who believe in her. The financial support helps bridge the gap, and she also admits that it’s incredibly inspiring knowing people are giving back to advance students’ educational journeys.

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