Westland Foundation fundraiser for inner-Winnipeg students goes virtual

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Westland Foundation fundraiser for inner-Winnipeg students goes virtual

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Westland Foundation’s fundraisers have stopped. In lieu of its annual Fundraising Breakfast, which supports its Education Fund, the Westland Foundation released a video campaign, featuring community and business leader Dayna Spiring, to challenge the community to step up to help deserving students. The campaign runs until December 31, 2020.

“We need you to share this video because if we want to see a better Winnipeg, we need your help. We need to give all inner-Winnipeg students a chance at post-secondary education,” says Westland Founder and President John Prystanski.

Walter Silicz, a Westland director, donor and volunteer for more than 25 years, along with Prystanski, will donate a dollar for every video share, up to a combined donation of $10,000 to the Education Fund.

As President & CEO of Economic Development Winnipeg (EDW), Dayna Spiring says she knows how important it is to invest today in tomorrow’s leaders. She wanted her message to inspire students while also reminding them they can build their dreams and careers right here in Winnipeg.

“Find the education and training that feeds your passion, use that to create the life you want, then stay here to help build an even stronger Winnipeg that everyone is proud to call ‘home.’”

Read more:

Pilipino Express’ feature article, December 16, 2020

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